The race this year will benefit

Veterans Outreach of Wisconsin

Would you like to participate?
Below is a list of different sponsorship levels and benefits. Or. . .if your
organization would also like to participate in the building of and boat races.



Tier 1 Sponsorship - Tri-City Banku.2.Tri City 2 FULL COLOR.jpg

            • 10 X 10 Display Area
            • Included With All Radio Advertising
            • Prominent Logo Display on Yard Signs & Banners
            • Prominent Logo Display on T-Shirts
            • Prominent Logo Display on Banners

Tier 2 Sponsorship $2,000 - (2) Positions Available

            • 10 X 10 Display Area
            • Smaller Logo on Yard Signs & Banners
            • Smaller Logo on T-Shirts

Tier 3 Sponsorship $750 - (3) Positions Available

            • 10 X 10 Display Area
            • Logo Display on T-Shirts
            • Logo Display on Banners

10 X 10 Display Booth Only, $200

Please note that the Banners mentioned will be displayed in both the 4th of July
Parade and the Holiday Parade in November. Discussions are taking place with the
Racine DRC to include our sponsors in their promotional materials for this event.
Sponsorship availability will end at the end of May. We look forward to your
participation! !
Please call Scott Floyd at (262) 930-2784 with any questions

